Wednesday, June 1, 2011

New Mercies

That's what restoration is all about: mercy.  And that's what we get, in the natural and in the spiritual.  Our garden was in need of mercy, because we had messed it up.  So after a little garden lime, a little more compost, and some fish emulsion, plus a good few weeks of cool, rainy weather, our lettuce is finally growing, our tomatoes look like they might become good plants, and the chard is growing.  Then comes some hot weather, so the peppers and eggplants will have a shot, too.  God is good.

The biggest thing I'm learning in all this is that God is not afraid of mess.  I mean, I keep learning this, because I'm messy and God isn't afraid of me again and again.  This might only just be a learning process, but that's okay.  I hope we get some eggplant, but if we don't, there is always next year. 

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